Monday, April 27, 2009
Finally Tikal
FYI... Im really tired.. Tikal is a 1 day thing... maybe we can travel after but im beat!!.. It was fun to go see.. there are about 3 ruins that you can climb up onto and take pictures.. you can see the tips above the trees.
Anyway there are a few that are really steep.. Its a scary climb and very steep, but do able.. and the walk was tough.. then again we were VERY rushed and i was almost running. Doable.
I also found a japanese couple.. I was tempted to Slaughter Head Shoulders Knees And Toes.. but i remembered how annoying it is to hear guatemalans say :Hello Mister: I didnt do it... I did tell them that dad spoke japanese but i dont know where the towns were that he served in... I did have them record about 15 seconds of japanese for dad to practice... Then the Girl asked if she could have a picture with me.. LET ME TELL YA... the other elders were like WHAT IS WOOD DOING!!!???? I felt good though. THe spoke A little english and had to talk very Slowly..
Anyway Tikal was fun! Not really many prospects for babtism..
I think thats all.. Wood
Monday, April 20, 2009
Still no Tikal
We have been preparing this kid diego for babtism... He went in for his interview and this is his words.. ¨we asked who do u want to have babtise you.. he said ,, I was thinking about it.. and i dont want to do it. I repented..) Crazy kid.. he just feels nervous and needs more time..
Anyway i dont know what elder to write.. there were no questions. Mom good luck. Sorry my weeks are non fun
Elder Taylor Wood
Monday, April 13, 2009
No Tikal Today, but rather Pool
Kim physicl therapyst? is that cause she is pregnant? how is zubby doing..
Sounds like easter was fun... I didnt sprain my ankle this year (Bad flashback) I wanted to see the Major catholics make carpet out of saw dust... but my area isnt close to the catholic church so i missed it.
Starting to have companion problems. He is still new and doesnt realize that i dont know the area or the members. he just assmes that i know.. anyway he speaks really good english so he just says... Whatcha gona do.. But thats the think I dont know what to do.. also he says i am Sr companion and so he doesnt help me with suggestions very much and assumes it all my responsibility. President Torres talked this in Zone confrence and says we both have the same preistood aauthority. anyway.. he doesnt talk to me much, its also hard to eat lunch and it so hot that we fall asleep alot.. when i say lets go he jokingly says Naw, lets just sleep it takes less energy.. anyway.
We played pool for p day today.. we are planning on Tikal Next monday... ¨NEXT MONDAY¨ (WINK WINK) just like last time.. We will see how the zl-s get it organized.
well we suposably have a babtism this week.. I have never talked to him. he is a 9 year old kid but its hard to visit him because he works..
Well i think thast all this week..
P.S. Dad that is the most amazing bug secret ever.. were was this im my last area??? we had tons..P.P.S. I just collect them in bottles and let them eat each other untill they all die.. i Had 5 in a bottle and 1 was DESTROYED.. DIMOLISHED.. Untill i put water in the bottle and let them sit for 5 min in the sun. WORKS GREAT!!!.. I also had a Black widow, (it was brown though).
Elder Taylor Wood
Advice from Your Loving Dad
Dear Taylor,
Since you are in the jungle now, I think it is appropriate to reprint a bit of sage wisdom offered six years ago to your eldest brother in a time of deep stress and trial. Without further adieu, I give you:
The Epic of La Cucaracha!
I will have you know that your Dad was one of the gokiburi (cockroach) killing champions of the mission! Listen closely my son and you will be edified ...
If you have those little 1/2 inch roaches then I can't help you. I never wasted my time on small game. If on the other hand you have those big suckers that grow as big as 2 or 3 inches and can fly then I am your man.
First, don't waste your time using brooms and such. All you will manage to kill is the light bulb in the center of the kitchen or perhaps your companion (I speak truth from experience). Besides, that weapon is far too crude. You need the ability to make surgical strikes that take out only Officer Bugs and avoid any unnecessary collateral damage (women and children). Here's what you do ...
Your best weapon is a necktie. I have been told that $80 ties work the best but since I never had any of those, I used the garden variety D.I. tie preferably in a shade of brown with splashes of yellow so the stains won't show. The trick is to flick the roaches off the walls or counter or even the floor, thus killing them instantly so you don't have to listen to their pitiful begging! You know of course that at the first sign of a light being switched on, the little buggers run like the cowards they are. So, you will have to be ready before you turn on the light. Naturally you flick them with the small end of the tie. If you have to use the big end, you are probably dealing with rats and you need another expert! You will find that, depending on the size of the battle field (kitchen, usually) you can have as many as 3 or 4 Elders flicking and whipping their ties at the same time without having to go to the doctor very often. CAUTION: The bullwhip effect of a skillfully executed tie flick will usually terminate your prey where he stands, however, occasionally the whip of the end of the tie will lift them off the wall and hurl them straight back at you with fangs bared so be ready to duck and don't forget to watch your back!!! Another note of interest, although this method of battle is by far the most satisfactory, your tie will soon become frayed from battle so choose one you don't mind messing up.
Now, I know in time you and your companions will be seasoned masters of battle but I thought as a side note I would mention; there are easier ways (not near as fun, but easier). Don't use spray-can roach killer juice except as a blowtorch (Ah, you thought of that already did you? I commend you for your Ingenuity by the way, a true stoke of genius, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree I always say, yup, a chip off the ole block ... uh, sorry I got side-tracked). As I was saying, the ol' spray-can blow torch can be almost as satisfying as wrapping the end of your tie around a 2 1/2 inch Field General and hurling him across the room to be crushed by the wall on the opposite side. Torches unfortunately have a habit of burning down your apartment building and causing lots of heartburn for your mission president. They are good in a pinch and especially effective for dogs with bladder-control problems, yeah, they work good for those! The point here is, there is only one chemical that will kill roaches and it doesn't come in a can. I trust you with this "secret of the ancients" only because you are flesh of my flesh and blood of my blood. Be careful not to cast this pearl before swine! This message will self-destruct in 10 seconds . . . .
Go to the drug store and buy some Boric Acid (Acido Borico). A weak solution of boric acid is a common remedy for eye irritation (you know before they came out with Visine). It comes as a white powder or salt-like granules, the powder works best. Sprinkle this powder, full strength, along the baseboards where the cowardly roaches slip under your cabinets. The powder gets on their legs and they lick it off, then for some reason their guts set up like concrete and they perish. Mwaaaa, Ha, Ha, Haaaaa !!! The cool thing about this stuff is that one dead bug can kill many others due to their barbarian habit of devouring their dead comrades. Gross but effective!
This will do for now, milk before meat I always say. Let me know how it goes. Just to wet your appetite, or perhaps incite experimentation on your part, consider the fact that boiling water kills roaches on contact! Oh, but also please consider that boiling water spilled in the lap of your companion can be hazardous to your relationship!
Until next time, I remain your fellow servant and veteran of countless forays into the battlefield.
SLY, (Sure Love Ya)
Dad the Great! Killer of the Gokiburi, la Cucaracha, the Cock Roach! I fear NO Bug !!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Tikal Area
About Tikal.. it was accually built after book of mormon times... They say the Mirador (which they are discovering now) is twice as big and could be a good canidate for BOM times...Are you learning how to breathe in the sweltering conditions? Its the sweating that sucksWhat are the tricks in learning how to cope there? Drink 2 quarts of water a day AND STILL GET DEHYDRATED.... just time helps..Have you got ready made investigotors or are you going to have to find them? we have a babtism no the 18th.. and a canadite for the 25thish
How much of conference did you get to hear? the first session half was in spanish.. And the last session of the last session was spanish.. the rest in english What's your new area like? really big.. like 5 to 10 houses on each block. thats why i had my shoes fixed... the change of streets started to hurt my feet.. Im still waiting on the shoes but im using my boots today How many wards/branches/stakes? ALL branches.. but 3 branches go to the same building.. about 4 missionaries each branchHow many missionaries in your district? 6 in my district.. we have an older couple in our district.. The Bomans... from LoganWhere do they all live? the bomans live really close to us (She cooks AMAZING left overs) and the others i dont know yet..What does your new assignment entail? I have to make sure they are all focused and ETC. Work with them..
Did you get your Easter package yet?Tell us about E Castro. Well he is accually Amazing.. I have never had a more spiritual companion.. our first week i just sat in Aww... listing to him talk to the people.. he is tall, dark and handsome. speaks perfect english, likes to joke around alot but what can you do...
This week was a hot one.. It stays about 100 degrees everyday. this week we went to some caves... It was an adventure.. we had to army crawl just to get through some parts of the cave.... once again i had my laser and we had fun.. I am cooking breakfast and dinner again.. hopefully i can eat good and with this heat... lose weight..
anyway i told nikki happy B day but i will tell her happy b day today
well thats all for now... any questions let me know
I wont be on to chat next monday (im not sure how much time it is to see tikal)Elder Taylor Wood
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Castro - Member of LDS Seventy
Jose A. Castro, 37, of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Employed as temple recorder in the Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple. Recently released as president of the Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Stake. He is a former bishop, high councilor and counselor in bishopric. Married Marisol Alvarez Rojas; three children.