Hang in there!! I served in your same mission from Sept 2003 to Sept 2005. It was the greatest experience of my life. There were times when i wanted to give up, but there were also times that i'll never forget for the rest of my eternity. Not a day goes by that i don't think about my mission... it has had a profound effect on who i am and the things i've pursued following my return. I hope you don't mind, but i've bookmarked your blog and i check it regularly for updates. I was 3 months away from going home when the transition from President Harris to President Coleman was made. What amazing men they are. I hope all goes well within your area. you will have success if you continue to work hard. The language will come... I promise. It seriously becomes a part of you. I remember teaching someone english towards the end of my mission, and i couldn't complete a full sentence. You will put up with Members and elders making fun of your spanish... i've been there. It passes. Keep posting pictures!! I LOVE SEEING MY OLD STOMPING GROUNDS :) Keep up the good work.
Austin Gunn