It´s ok. ¡¡¡ I didn´t want an email anyway!!!. So here is about this week.
Dad: Log into steam. right click on the little black and white nike symbol om the main task bar and right click and go to games.. thats it - simple. If you want to make it load up on the games pages... go to settings (I think it is on the GAMES box) and just put your FAVORITE WINDOW to GAMES. That might confuse you a little but its worth a try.
Elder Robles is a medium build, and is a wrestler. He doesn't play much basketball. In a game of white lightning his ball had been bumped a ways out. I decided I would let him have a chance to shoot an impossible shot. He shoots from about 60 feet out and just throws it like a football.... SWOOSH... need I say more. Fortunately I hadn't got him out yet so he was able to continue playing. It was defiantly amazing.
About the letters you send me. THANKS . Its great getting 6 letters when there are 7 that come for our whole district. That means 7 people had to split that one.
Most of those pictures that mom put on my sd card wouldn't work on my camera so I had a teacher that is from Utah (his vista didn't pass so he has lived here for 1 year after his mission) go and print the 31 that I wanted. I deleted the rest. They were about 30 cents a piece but it was going to be worth it for family pictures to look at. I paid him and started looking at them. ALL BUT 4 I HAD NEVER SEEN BEFORE. Luckily there were a lot of Kayla, but I don't know how they were on my card. I couldn't see them on the camera but they were just there.
There is a new system for pouch. I guess they had a problem with different weight of papers so now it is ONE PAPER in AN ENVELOPE. But you can write on both sides.

We had the opportunity to watch the funeral of President Hinckley, a KSL-5 special, and the press conference (that was in Spanish though) last night. This morning the Latino elders left so last night an American missionary and a Latino starting singing "Til we meet again", in Spanish. I started hearing and went over to sing. I joined in on the end of the second chorus. Now we had a trio... the third verse was a strong one and all 3 of us had singing experience (cept me). We sang in perfect harmony olne that I have never sung before. Usually I can get a few parts to sound good, but this was totally amazing. By the time we started the 4th verse we had about 15-20 of us. Soon after the President wanted to know what was going on.

By the time we had finished the song almost all of us were in tears. I have never felt the Spirit as strong as I did during that song. Following that I wrote in my journal about it.
Today just the Americans went to a church house and we played basketball for 2 hours. Following we went to McDonolds.

MY FIRST REAL MEAL ASIDE FROM THE MTC FOOD... ¿¿¿and do u know what i got??? A DOUBLE BIG MAC OH YAH... I even got a picture to prove it.
About the pens VIENTICINCO DOLLARS???? Shoot no I don't want 6. I don't know if I am even worth to hold such a scripture marker as that.

One will do. I don't know - one or two. The other would be for my teacher, he wanted one.
Candice¨ got your letter thanks, on is one its way back
Kim¨ got one coming your way as well
Mom¨ I love you
Dad¨ I love you as well (hopefully u can play portal)
Mike/zub ¨ thanks for the watch.. i hope i don't get robbed.}
Blaine. you owe me 20 dollars j/k
Nikki; Your not a crab, (but candice is)
Hmmmm 7 minutes left.. You can tell Steve Thatcher I picked the patriots, but luckily I didn't bet him. UnfortunatelyI lost 3 of my night time snacks to 3 different elders :P
All is well. I happened to snag some Honduras money.. can someone check if it is legal to mail money internationally?
Hopefully I hear from you next week.
E. Wood