"This morning we got to play FUTBOL AMERICANO!!! It was more fun than I anticipated. There is actually an all girl Catholic school SLASH (darn keyboard) nun's place right in view of the dirt field we play in. About 5 to 10 girls stood on the balcony and watched us for about 10 minutes.. We were gonna run over there and baptize them but we remembered to be obedient..... and that particular time was SPECIFICALLY for exercise, and not for baptizing.
I go on splits on Thursday. One day to realize how little we all know.
I have a teacher from Utah and he is great at drawing. I'm going to pay him to draw me a picture of the stripling warriors with two missionaries in the front. I believe it is in Mike's scripture case... but I need some more information on that picture. My president was going to look for it online. Do you think you can find that picture, or take one of Mikes scripture case for me and email it to me?
So here is for our experiences...
At the temple today we ran into a few missionaries outside.. a few as in like 40. We were able to talk to them awhile... one was saying he bought a tie for 200 Quetsales *ratio is about 7.5-8# quetz to 1 dollar. I said, "YOU SPEND 30 DOLLARS ON A TIE???" He was like "NO.. its only 15. " I quickly did the math and proved him wrong but he was determined that it was 8 to
Speaking of South Mission. Last week 20 bus drivers were murdered. You think thats bad do ya??? One elder at the temple pulled out a bullet from a 45. cal pistol (or something around there the bullet was kinda chingered) , and replied, "Ya we were shot at." He fired two shots at the missionaries but they were somehow able to escape. He then decided that "Hey I was just shot at, I'm going back for the bullet" so he pulled this bullet out of a wall and carries it around everywhere now. Just thought i would share some stories and tell mom "All is well."
I will try to send some pictures this week. We send mail out like Monday morning. So I will take my camera on splits and try to get a cd printed out. Then I will find some way to mail it home.
All is well, time to read "the ones if I have time!!"
Thanks for the letters. I finally got the one Kim sent me that says she just got back from Arizona... dated Jan 6th.
Elder Madera