Give the blog to my friends. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Also the picture maggie preston SOMEHOW found was the right one. Did u just talk to aliese or something. or how did that work. next time you see her tell her thanks or something, and she owes me a letter!
Did you want me to send pictures through wallgreens or something from now on? that way it saves me postage and money.. instead you can just pay for it and i can keep my money! :P then you can have walgreens just make a cd and you can pick it up. just let me know.
the latino elder? elder paz, elder funes, and elder chaves. not sure about the other one. We go one splits tomorrow.
Blaine; you can find a green laser pointer there. (speaking of laser pointers has anyone found my two that got sucked up by the amazing black hole of the house? if so please either send me them ,) or just pack them up for me.
As for the president seeing the movies on the grilled cheese.. go ahead and send them to him. I showed an elder some computer things and he used it for the worse. he tried sending pictures home through hotmail and someone the president was able to see the pictures he was sending. Might i just say, no mas grilled cheese. no mas king traditions, no mas master key that HAPPENS to open all bedrooms, that somehow happened to be connected to my key ring MUAHAHAHAHa. accually the samoan elder got it because he wa sthe new king. then he let the manager use the key and it took some work to get it back.. luckly he forgot the key in a room and BOOM thats how it was on my ring. well their camera caught us going to the abandonded room, and before ya know it the president gave us a little DISTRICT meeting on everything. we all felt guilty and gave him our 2 loaves of bread 2 packages of cheese (MAN... we were going to have grilled cheese that night too) It was all a good experiance though.
Mom, thanks for all the xoxoxoxox´s in the last email. its good to get them once in awhile.
and the alarm clocks were pranks we did. but only me and elder davis could sleep through them
Elder davis says that his mom saw the blog and enjoyed the pictures-
so did my glass piece break? cause i sent two glasses home.
Find out what happened to my marker.... because the thing was NOT tampered with, i think you just forgot and only put one in. also from now on put pictures of the virgin mary on packages. the wont mess with her but some people mess with pictures of christ.
Elder Taylor Wood
note from Mom: sorry President. All we can say is he's improved. :)