Man today sucked. My zone had some brilliantly stupid idea to climb a mountian. Needless to say. i made it. my feet hurt. and boy do i have blisters. then it started pouring. so we ran to our cooks house soaking wet. after an hour of the hardest rain i have ever seen. we returned to our appartment only to relize it was flooded.
My mission president called me yesterday. he said we were going to talk tomorrow at zone confrence. Kim as for an april fools joke. Gotchya!! APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! No seriouslly i didnt even know easter had passed till like 4 days after. i acknowledged st. patricks day. but didnt let much happen. But as for this, This is real.
This week was just another week. nothing much happened. as for everyone else. thanks for the prayers. Yes i have a testimony of the BOM. and joseph smith. Families, plan of salvation. ETC. Um... i honestly dont know what else i can write about without repeating myself last week. Thoughts are still the same. Going to talk to my president tomorrow and on the 18th-
when is mothers day. I could let that holiday slip by as well. Um. I Still continue to work hard no matter what the tribulation.I honestly have no clue what else to write. So untill next time.Elder Taylor Wood
My mission president called me yesterday. he said we were going to talk tomorrow at zone confrence. Kim as for an april fools joke. Gotchya!! APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! No seriouslly i didnt even know easter had passed till like 4 days after. i acknowledged st. patricks day. but didnt let much happen. But as for this, This is real.
This week was just another week. nothing much happened. as for everyone else. thanks for the prayers. Yes i have a testimony of the BOM. and joseph smith. Families, plan of salvation. ETC. Um... i honestly dont know what else i can write about without repeating myself last week. Thoughts are still the same. Going to talk to my president tomorrow and on the 18th-
when is mothers day. I could let that holiday slip by as well. Um. I Still continue to work hard no matter what the tribulation.I honestly have no clue what else to write. So untill next time.Elder Taylor Wood