The Joy of Missionaries

We hadn’t been here long before we set out on a whirlwind tour of the Mission. It was our blessing to visit with the missionaries here in the Capital and then journey to Coban, Polochic, and the Petén and then Hermana Torres and I went to Poptún and Dolores. In each and every area we felt the love and concern of our missionaries and more particularly your love for the Lord and this wonderful work.In several of the areas that we visited I noticed that when we entered the chapel where the missionaries were waiting for us a hush fell over the room. Everyone stood up as a sign of respect for our office. This brought to mind the love which Hermana Torres and I developed for our own Mission Presidents and Mission Moms. But then I thought of how each of you has been blessed to have had President and Sister Coleman be your President and mission Mom. What a wonderful work they did for us but this only compliments the work which you are each doing. You serve day and night which reminds me that “when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.” (Mosiah 2:17) Our hearts have been touched; thank you Elders and Hermanas for the memory.Upon our arrival in Coban I was stuck by the unique make up of the people of the city. Here we have a Stake of Zion which was created on the 29th of October of 1995 this taking place almost forty years since the first baptism in the area. While there we visited the great family Patriarch of the Ovalle family. He had decided that he no longer wanted to go the hospital and only wished to remain at home. In that home we knew that we were in the presence of greatness. Here was a man who was a pioneer one of first members in this area. On the wall of the home was a picture of Hermano Ovalle in his white shirt and tie. The uniform of a Priesthood holder of the Lord Jesus Christ.I was reminded of our missionary purpose as found in Preach My Gospel which at the end declares in all solemnity inviting all to come unto Christ and “endure to the end.” Another way of saying it is to have our “garments spotless, in the kingdom of heaven to go no more out.” (Alma 7: 25) What joy two missionaries are having as they realize one of their baptisms has endured to the end and is now “in the kingdom of heaven no more to go out.”While on our tour we visited 5 apartments of our missionaries. Each and every one of the rooms was neat and clean and we could see that in those apartments the Spirit of the Lord resides. What a wonderful thing it is when a missionary has learned to be submissive to the Lord in even this thing. Can there be any doubt but that the Lord will bless those missionaries who have shown faithfulness in these areas with the blessing of receiving new converts who are so precious in His sight.What marvelous joy comes to us as a result of faithful service in His work. There can be no doubt in our minds that our task is much like the Master Himself suggested, “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt: 11: 30) He loves His lost sheep here in Guatemala so much that He has sent us to find them and with His help nothing is impossible.