Elder Cozzens mission is running low on time. He still doesn't know when he is going to speak but I will be sending a few things home with him, mostly the weights and some other things. I have one box of worry dolls. I can buy like 6 for less than a buck.
We hiked to some old Achi ruins (Mayan Ruins) that are in Rabinal about 45 minutes away, but still in my district. It was a good adventure but man am I tired. I was third of the pack of eight the WHOLE time. till the last trail.. I decided to take a trail that looked a whole lot easier. Nope, i had to hike through bushes from who knows where. needless to say i was last to arrive. At Rabinal they offered human sacrifices.
I think we will get to listen to some of conference, but I doubt we will get to listen in English.
My ankle is doing okay for now.
anyway nothing else is new We do have baptism date is for October 11th, an investigator named Marisol. She is 18 years old and a nanny for a member. She actually went to church 5 times before we started teaching her. Elder Cozzens should still be here for it. We have also started teaching an old investigator again so we are still teaching.
Elder Taylor Wood