Do you get along with him? he is good.. I havent hated a companion yet
Where is he from? Totonickapan.. Guatemala
What are the challenges of training? I have to reteach everything
What do you like most about your days? Eating... or chilling in the church if we can.
What is the hardest part? daily¿¿ i dont know. just keeping busy
How long do you think you will be in your current area? who knows.. maybe 3 more months
Who are you teaching right now? Betty (needs to get married), Nestor age 17. needs permsission and he will be bautized the 3rd of feb, jeackeline, the daughter of a babtism in DEC the others arnt that close..
You spent money! What did you buy? i finally ran out of mission money. thoses 25 ties might not have helped (50 dollars)
How long is the weather usually "nice" for? its still hot and green... things will start to get wet in may (ish)
Anything new? Well we got permission to LEAVE our mission and go bowling. That was fun...
The server is down.. so i dont have pictures to send today.. Um we found a bunch of white chicks in the mall here (THATS RIGHT WHITE CHICKS!!!!) they are with the humanatarian services. We started talking for a bit untill a (LATINO from cali) started contaction in english. YEAH, she is jewish and doesn't believe in chirst... I know we should have read that section in preach my gospel!! anyway she asked if she didn't belive in christ but still did good things (like the humanitarian aid) if that would cancel out.. an elder kindly explained that Thats not how it worked.. We gave here 2 pamplets, and a BOM. and told her to talk to someone else when she sees us. she will be in guate for 2 years.
I got my laser.. you can go ahead and get the red one now :). Did blaine get that belt buckle or not. I saw belts today but didnt know if he bought me a buckle or not. Anyway.. we went bowling today.. I scored 121... then i started doing tricks. I had to knock down 5 pins.. So i did it under the legs and got a spare... I have a video as well!!
So sounds like things are doing good at home.. MAybe you should invest in ALARM CLOCKS!!1 just put it in a diffrent place each night for candi!!! (shoot she can have mine!!) I think thats alll... thanks for the letters. Thanks Mom and Kim for the questions.
Elder Wood