Elder Wood, Elder Argumeda, and Elder Tzunux - Taylor's first companion in the field and his last companion before transferring to Peten.
Well another week gone. i still have a little cough and some flem but its nothing like it was before.. at least i can walk up a hill without dieing! This week was decent. once again we are found with NO investagaters.
but needless to say we have been working with the ETERNAL investagaters. Specifically a 16 year old kid named Nestor. I have been working with him for 4 months now.. he has been in church and seminary for about 7 months now. When we finally babtized him yesterday.
We also had the WORST day on saturday.. Suposably we had to plan an activity to do but they young single adults said they would do it so we didnt worry about it.. Needless to say we didnt do ANYTHING that day!! but what can you do?
Well this next monday we have changes... so i dont know what will happen.. I think my companion will go to coban and speak a mayan language (he knows 1 mayan language but he will have to learn another but they are slightly simaliar.
anyway thanks for the letters.. as of now we are dried up as an area.. and changes next week.. But thats all.. no questions this week. Mom can you find out how many people are living in delta... so i can say how big my home town is.. alot of ppl ask
Taylor Wood was released from being a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Feb 1, 2010.