What day do you get released? Jan 19th
How long to you want to sight see? Not quite sure.. Tikal is a 5 hour deal, not to mention a 8 hour drive one way!
Transfers effect you today? Sure did!!! How does PETEN sound? That means i will be seeing Tikal on the 13th. I changed places with an elder in peten. Get this Distric Leader.. yah.. thats what i thought... Anyway my companion is Elder Castro.. he is from Honduras but speaks perfect English.. Did i mention that his dad is in the 70.. Personally i think that President Torres is punishing me in a verry Nice way (I mean im in peten for

crying out loud as a District Leader) Anyway He seems really cool. Ohh ya about peten.. It was 116.2 degrees last thursday.. Im freaking dieing of heat here.. I feel like Im swimming in a AIR pool. I mean seriously 116.2 WITH THE HUMIDITY:: THATS INSANE
We are thinking about putting your bed in Nikki's room and her's
in yours. You won't have any extra space if we do that but sleeping will be better when you come back. You okay with that? I come home in 10 months.. you can plan places to visit... About my room... Just dont touch my hotwheels.. IF i dont like it i can

always whine and change it next year.. Go for it!!
Sounds like Kim had a good experience in Phoenix. We all learn from mistakes. But some mistakes we can enjoy.. At least you have a car.. i remember buying a RETAIL LIST of computer monitors.. luckily we got our money back... just enjoy the new car and i will enjoy smelling

like a dog in 115 degree weather..!!
Anyway my area is El Trebol 2 (trebol means clover like with the cards...) there is a sick lake in Flores Peten and we are like 10 to 15 minutes away.. Anyway... Sorry i couldnt write yesterday.. I was on an 8 hour bus ride.. I sent some pictures of my travel buddies.!!
Thats all for this week.. we have zone conference next week..
Elder Taylor Wood