Finding people toteach there yet? we have 12 new investagators this week

This week was amazing. The older couple in my district are helping me ALOT!! they are working with a few less active people and found a Father who didnt really have ANY connection with younger missionaries for years.. I just let them work with the dad!!
We also went to a zoo today.. We had to wake up at 6 to go but we had fun. we threw rocks are crocodiles and they hissed a horrible hiss at us.. ONLY IN GUATE!!!!! we also played with monkeys.. One grabbed my leg.. they are really cute and ugly animals.. I love watching them move! We also found a jaguar but it was sleeping ... Thats ok.. leave it to Elder King to throw a rock and NAIL it on the head.. He got RIGHT up and we took our pictures.. What a good sport!! Then we walked across the lake on a little wooden bridge that floats.. Anyway.. all in all it was fun.. I think the girls will love it.. (if there arnt any other zoo´s that we go to) .
Things are still good.. I have to cut my hair today.. Last time i cut it was about 8 weeks ago.
Thanks for the camera, I cant really remember what was in that bag of suiveneers. Mom if you like the bag go ahead and take it.. Also those dolls in the boxes.. (YA You wanted those also) leave me at least 2!!. you´ll have to tell me what else was there!
Thanks for the letters. Love ya, Elder Wood