(Elder Goodwin, my new comp)
WEll thanks for putting pctures in the fair.. More than anything i just hope one goes to State.. Ohh And with my Winnings (There will be alot :D) I would like a nice package.. Mostly i need some more Plackers.com Flossers. Any maybe those quarters i told mom about.
I like that frog picture... I took another and there is a mosqueto in the picture just flying by.. The fron isnt nearly as good in this picture though.
Tell Kristen Congrats for me.. As well as chole
Kim: A skunk? And josh was dumb enough to scare it.. i remember when i woke up to a skunk in my window well, I opened the window and threw a pencil at it because i was mad! BAD IDEA!! IT sprayed.. Naturally I threw something else. WRONG AWNSER.. Next step. 3 rounds from a 22 Cal remington rifle right into its skull.. And then, Go to salt lake with mom WRONG AGAIN!! They still stink FOR WEEKS!!! But we learn
Dad: Spending time in the burrow ehH?? The orcs in warcraft III Build burrows.. It supports population like a house.. You could practily live there!!
Changes: Well I had a change. Bout time too! Good rittens. Not to say that was a bad area but it sure was a HOLE!! a nice ¨death vally¨ Hole.. With not much progress.. So where did i go? About 15 minutes from La Leyenda! Still in the same zone of ESPERANZA in which i was in before.. Other news.. TRAINING! Not sure who i have.. 6 latinos come in with 11 gringos! I am thinking Gringo. Tommorow i have a training meeting to help them get trained. BAD NEWS.. IF i am new to my area and training that means i know NOTHING!!! All i know is some 18ish year old girl who i met that was a member, and i already forgot her name! I also know my neighbors.

I hope this area will good.. They say its hard.. HARDER If you know nothing.
I am excited to get working in another area.. Excited to train. Not excited to start over..
I also opened my Long sleeved shirt.. YOu know that one that i NEVER use because i am always in the desert away from civilization and temples? I fould a letter from dad.. I read but one paragraph.. But am excited to read the rest!
Also NO MORE POUCH (not that i get anything anyway) To many problems!
Well thanks for the letters, I hope i can be better in this area.!! Tell me about the fair! Love ya Wood