Well. My area is a little bit hilly but almost ALL roads.. I am wearing my Boots now because i Other shoes are about Donell.. I hope i make it without buying more shoes! MY comp is Elder GOODWIN! HE is from Bountiful Utah! Amazing huh . Another Utah person. he is progressing little by little.

We are also working with a teenage girl named Azucena. She is 14 and has over 2 years to be talking with missionaries. I just showed up and focused on the nescesity of babtism and prayer for confirmation. she accepted.. She has the date of 22 of Aug set for her babtism. hopefully her mom gets babtised also.
Today for Pday I went back to La Leyenda to see some people i babtised.. All but 2 are still SUPER active.. The others had problems in which we resolved while talking to their parents.. Hopefully they return going to church. also the OLD ward mission leader and Primary president were Dating for quite some time. I heard that she got pregnant and that they were married.. They were Super Active but i dont know what they are doing now.. But in all it was a good Experiance.
So .. Thats all i have for you all.. I hope everything goes well there!
Thanks Wood!