dia sies,
I'm not sure how long it will take to mail this. Since it's not pouch. I think I can send it on the 21st.
I'm living with Elder Daivs and 4 latinos. They all make fun of the new/old American Elders.
Spanish is coming. It's a lot harder to teach ... even in English... than I thought.
Sundays are way chillax. No studies - just free time. We have about 1 hour a day of just socializing, but thats the time to get ready for bed so it's more like 30 minutes.
I like the CCM (MTC) here. Only about 20 Elders from America and the CCM houses only about 60. The Elders after us go to Provo for 3 weeks then here. So we lucked out.The food is good here. We range in the types of food. A lot of vegetables though.
Our basketball court is just 2 baskets in the parking lot. They are mounted on something like a chalk board so you can move them. And our weight room is a 4 foot long elastic band. We aren't supposed to take pictures here until our last day. The CCM has a 10 foot wall and a security guard, so we only leave two times a week - Sunday walk and P-day (Tuesday) Temple trip. We are right next to the temple.
We can't hook up our camera to the computer either, and it isn't like there is a Kodak machine in the guard shack. So I'm not sure what to do.
The Americans love the lazer though. We shine it at a business building at night about a mile away.
!No mas para a hora?
Con amor.
Elder Madera