Mike: I don't think orange juice is part of my worries. everyone here has things coming from them that i myself didn't know existed. we have all sorts of different foods but the orange juice i would have to say i love.. Its freshly crushed from the oranges here so I'm thinking they didn't have them in the Provo.
Kim and family: Sounds like the life is still in the room. you could have kept the elbow stains though. Just tell Colton that uncle Taylor says to toughen up.. then ask him if all the guys on Taylors games if they cried.
Dad: Don't fry my computer. As your son i am looking out for your interests and saying that there are more important things in life than halo... ....... ...... ....... .... ¿Ahh heck who are we all kiddin??? HALO ROCKS!!!
As for my schedule. I sleep in till 6:15. there is to big of a rush for our 6 sinks, 8 showers, 4 urinals, and 4 stalls. you find yourself waiting there anyway. i then go and study till 7, play basketball till 8, eat till 9, study till 12, eat till 1, study till 6 with breaks, eat, study till 8, SNACK TIME!!, study till 9, lights out at 10. Sundays we can leave the MTC to go for a walk for 1 hour. and Tuesdays we email and go to the temple. don't forget Thursday Laundry day.
As for the weekly email: I dropped my razor head in the sink, after much ponder i decided i would get it out with gum on the end of my pen. I heard a ripping sound in my shoulder when i tried to spike a volley ball. it was minor though... two days and i could play basketball to its extent. we usually do exercise time apart from the other North Americans (there are 8 in my district)
Every time I find myself struggling I just remember dad saying, they know what your talking about. We usually email at 2 o'clock your time. But today we had a substitute and just said go ahead now.
In 7 days we get to go do a field trip (if the new president lets us) I heard we were going to the zoo, I also heard we were going to an archeology center. I'm not sure.
Just a thought,... try to keep the pictures small.. They were pretty big for my small inbox.
Here is something for mom (who is trying to learn Spanish and struggling a ton) to ponder on. a few missionaries went on splits last week, here is an experience. One elder said one of the most volgur ways of saying the ¨*"^¨ word. Another went to an area where there was (for lack of a better word) human poo on the sidewalks all over (or so he thinks) it is too large for a dog he says.
Anyway, I have 5 minutes left and not more to talk about. just remember that I still have 8 weeks of the MTC. there shall be no worrying about me until I am out there.
With nothing else to say.
Elder Madera (the second but far more kool)