Monday, June 30, 2008
Baja Verapaz
Baja Verapaz is the cradle of the Rabinal Achi´, the epic poem that is one of the most important works of the pre-Columbian period.
In addition to this example of ancestral culture, we find in this Department the Biota of Quetzal, one of the few protected sites that preserve some examples of the national bird and symbol with its prodigiously beautiful and colorful plumage.
Other attractions of Baja Verapaz are its archaeological sites, the powerful Matanzas River with its 225 meter waterfalls and the Chixoy River dam, surrounded by an impressive natural landscape.
Jun 30, 08

I think President Coleman is from Kansas and will report home in about 3 weeks.
My area is basically city country. like Delta but dirt roads. the houses are always with cinder block and tin roofs. my districts is ALL of BAJA VERAPAZ we only work about close to the church though. people are going to pay a lot of money to go to church. anyway the area is fine. its hard to get people to church.
What is the funnest thing you have done on P-day with this companion? c

Did your camera come yet? not yet we get pouch wednesday.
How many miles a day do you average walking? who knows like 5 to 7
anyway. im talking to the president this wendesday. i dont want to be here. we will see how it goes.
tell me who is in the derby that i might care about . anyway nothing new. you all know that. till next week.

Elder Taylor Wood
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Near Salama you can find the Mario Dary Rivera Nature Reserve ( Biotopo del Quetzal ) which was established to protect the quetzal bird, revered by the Maya and the national bird of Guatemala. There are nature paths through the cloud forests where you can see orchids, ferns and bromeliads, owls, hummingbirds and toucans. Even though sighting a bright red and green quetzal bird is a rare event, the area is a paradise not to be missed.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
How I Taught the Big Guy a Lesson
“I did not provoke the fight, so I feel no remorse for what I was forced to do. We were arguing and, seeing that I was right and he was wrong, he decided to fight to cover for his stupidity. He swung at me first, but being in top condition, I was able to block the punch neatly with my head. Whereupon I jumped to the ground, knocking him down on top of me. Then I placed my ear in his mouth and poked his finger several times with my eye. His teeth hurt so much from the strength of my ear that he became irate and tried to kick me, but I cleverly blocked the onslaught with my ribs and face.
“I scrambled to my car in hopes I would get away and save this man from my deadly hands. Before I could start the car, he pulled me from the still-open door. I then proceeded to swing at him, but only managed to hit myself in the head. To this I said,’what’s this? Two against one?’ that was the final straw. I lost all control. There will be no mercy! Taking him in my death grip, I pounded him in the knee with my stomach then hit him two or three times in the fist with my teeth.
After that, he didn’t even try to pick me up off the ground, he was to chicken.”
It’s all in how you look at life!Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Transfers - But Staying
First of all. I will get my shoes resouled. its raining alot and im going to start breaking in my boots. i think we should hold off on the shoes. but send the camera ASAP. Mine is shot. it doesnt take pictures anymore.
I recieved my ankle braces last week. so i thought i would give them a try. two days later my ankle caved again. Pretty minor but it put me back a day or two. I like the smaller one better because I can wear it anywhere, anytime. How long do i take the pills? (they will help strengthen your connective tissue. Continue taking them as long as you need added help)
Sounds like gas sucks. its about 36Q (7.5=1) ($4.06)
This week was fine. We had changes and I am still in SALAMA Baja verapaz.. you can google baja verapaz its like a state in the usa. We had to travel about 1.5 hours away for a babtism for another area. It was in the river. we have a black market here. they just close a street every monday and friday, every just goes to town.
Anyway. i dont know what else to write about. questions are always good.
Elder Taylor Wood
Monday, June 2, 2008
June 2 08
I sang in zone confrence. In a cortet. 2 weeks ago. And today we played soccer for 2 hours. man i didnt know soccer could be fun. but i scored 2 goals and had an assist.
its still pretty tough. we have a kid prepareing for his mission and he helps us alot. anyway he comes with us every day, but they kinda zone me out cause i cant speak Spanish.
Also with my shoes. Did you have to pay? (no) they have a 2000 mile warenty on them. so you shouldnt have to pay. the should also send them to me. i have my other pair so i should be good till they get here.
DID you get my package yet? (no) i sent it like a month ago.
You might have to just try to figure out the pictures and who is in them etc.
Um, things are still the same. i just eat, teach, and sleep.
Elder Taylor Wood