First of all. I will get my shoes resouled. its raining alot and im going to start breaking in my boots. i think we should hold off on the shoes. but send the camera ASAP. Mine is shot. it doesnt take pictures anymore.
I recieved my ankle braces last week. so i thought i would give them a try. two days later my ankle caved again. Pretty minor but it put me back a day or two. I like the smaller one better because I can wear it anywhere, anytime. How long do i take the pills? (they will help strengthen your connective tissue. Continue taking them as long as you need added help)
Sounds like gas sucks. its about 36Q (7.5=1) ($4.06)
This week was fine. We had changes and I am still in SALAMA Baja verapaz.. you can google baja verapaz its like a state in the usa. We had to travel about 1.5 hours away for a babtism for another area. It was in the river. we have a black market here. they just close a street every monday and friday, every just goes to town.
Anyway. i dont know what else to write about. questions are always good.
Elder Taylor Wood