Then we went the Chy hup. Some ruins we visited a few weeks ago. I got a few good pictures. it was weird. the first time i was DIEING the whole way up. this time i accually hit my second wind. i accually lead them there.
Sounds like you had a good chat with Elder cozzens. I didnt send the statue, for weight purposes, but his broke. just ask him for a little piece :)
Another thought i had this week, when you see all the elders in the states they are like ´all spititual´. well thats not us.. we just try to survive. I got to ride in the back of a little wagon today. it was drivven by 2 oxen. we crossed a river. but it was crazy.
umm... i have 9 months.. thats better than 7.
i would like some floss picks. i can use this brand all day long and they wont break.
Thats all i can think about for nowñ...