Taylor got mad at me for adding information to his letter, so I took it out, and returned it to its very short state. But Kim has encouraged me to put it back up so I will do so. This in information in my words not Taylor's.

Guatemala is hard on socks and shoes. Taylor has worked his way through two years worth in just 9 months. Both pairs of shoes are worn out. He will have to have them resoled because it is too expensive to send shoes that have 99% chance of getting stolen. His boots are hanging in there and Elder Cuzzins (I assume) gave him some brown shoes we have seen in photos. There is a pilot in Dixie that sometimes makes stops at the MTC but I will have to find him, and see if he can get the shoes to the President, and it will be much easier to have Taylor resole the pair he has first. At least we will know if they are going to work. Funny thing is that Taylor has gotten mission socks for the past two Christmas'. I guess he will get them for another and next year he will again for his return home.
It is nearing the end of raining season. I'll bet they are happy for that, although the scenery is beautiful because of all the rain they get.
Taylor's companionship found a really good prospect two weeks ago. They are teaching him, and Taylor thinks he will be getting baptized at the end of the lessons. They think he has great potential.
The two baptisms are the same girls he has talked about for a long time. They want to get baptized but don't want to attend church. One is going to school and the only time her tutor can meet with her is at the same time as church. She doesn't have enough faith to choose church over the tutor yet.
He is still having fun with his lazer. He loves teasing the chickens and seeing how they react. Better to tease chickens than the women!