Bumber... sounds like your thanks giving is gona suck just like mine..
We had a babtism this week. IT WENT AMAZING. this guy is so golden. he showed up at his babtism 45 minutes early. and its a good 45 minute walk from his house. Anyway, i bought him a hymn book and a triple combanation. we had about 75 members show up for the babtism. Imagine 75 members for a babtism when the church asistance is about 115.!! So far its the most members ever in a babtism.
On the down side. I got a change. I really liked it in Salama and didnt want to leave.. then again i did have 7 months there. Anyway i am in guatemala city. Zone 18 in a place called La layendo (the legend). you can google map it. zona 18 la leyondo in guatemala or something like that. The area is WAY small. My last area was just enourmas. As well as another new area i have a new companion. Elder Hernandez from mexico. he seems kinda cool. Guess i better get to this spanish speaking part of the mission.
Anyway.. Mom... talk to the Olcotts about them comming. I can get a good pair of shoes for like 80 dollars here (550 Q and its 7.5 to 1 dollar) anyway.. dont send the shoes unless its free. because i will jut by them here..
The members here are amazing (from what 2 members i have met here) the WARD.... not branch. has like 250 active members and our cook.. YEP THAT TOO... cooks for our 3 meals. It will be a good area but its small so i dont want more than 4 months here...

(Taylor also sent me the papers address. I babelfished it and Taylor was very kind in his description of the events.)
Mom did you want to pick me up from guate or not... didnt really get an awnser from ya..
Things are fine. i talked to my cook in my first area and that was fun.
Thanks for everything, WOOD