Hows it going? good
Has the rain stopped? yah
How are the baptisms coming? not to church. maybe the 22nd
Are they going to church yet? sometimes
Any new possibilities? not here
Have you gone anywhere exciting lately? nope
Tell us about your companion? age 20 Elder bates.. for utah. he is fat like me and really funny
Where has he served previously? one of the ten most dangerous areas in the world. (my last area) paraiso III
Do you do street contacting? ya
You mentioned that the missionaries there are not as we see in Utah. What
do you mean "they are just trying to survive?" i dont remember
Do you still want the lazer? YEAH!! If so, I will order it today.
we got chased by a crazy guy with tatoos. the police were like HEY what are you doin.. THE COPS LOVE US. here is the conversation we had. caps are what he said HEY TEACH ME ABOUT THE WORDS OF CHRIST,, Well i don't understand you. SURE YOU DO.. nope i can't speak spanish., YOUR SPEAKING SPANISH. i dont know what im speaking
Keep working hard. We are proud of you for your sacrifice.