Thats all for this week..
Monday, February 23, 2009
Feb 23, 2009
Thats all for this week..
Conversation between Kim and Tay
I really hope I haven't missed you already this morning. Especially since I've held you in suspense all week. So here's the news you've been waiting for: The new bishop is Bishop Channan Day, First Counselor: Scott Sandavol, Second Counselor: Ron Arrington. That's all of the changes for now, but we expect several more in the coming weeks.
Colton woke up very sick yesterday morning, but Josh had to be there to be released and I was needed to play the organ. We decided to take him just in his street clothes, and Josh would take him home right after he had born his testimony. Colton didn't make it that long. He gaged on the bread during the sacrament and threw up in the chapel. Josh was on the stand, and I was still at the organ with no clue this was going on. Mindy McBride and Ron Arrington took him out and cleaned him up. What a day. I'm hoping that next week marks the start of easier sacrament meetings as Josh will now be able to sit with us and lend his assistance.
Colton's preschool teacher, Mrs. Kathy died last week. I went to her memorial service on Saturday. It was the first Catholic service I have ever attended. I was surprised to learn that the service was uplifting and focused mostly on the resurrection of the Savior. But the spirit wasn't the same, and the insense made me sick.
Oh, and here's some news. I don't mean to rub it in, ok well just a little. Last week Bashas had this crazy deal. You could buy a 5 pack of mac & cheese for a reduced price and it came with a $2.50 off coupon for tombstone pizza. Not impressed you say? Well tombstone pizza was on sale for $3.50 so the coupon made it only a dollar. Still not impressed? Well, they ran out of tombstone and were substituting Dijorno. That's right. Dijorno for $1. No we did not stock up on them for you. That's a lot of mac & cheese to buy. But we did think of you as we enjoyed our pizza.
So, on that delicious thought, I will let you go.
Love you,
What are they like. How many people usually attend? My ward there are 200 each week. In SALAMA there is 100 in the branch.
Are they wards or branches? depends on the area.. if your out there is always a branch.
Are there several strong members or do a few carry the majority of the responsibility? here the members are amazing
What is your relationship with the ward as a Missionary? Its not like UTAH.. EVERYONE knows the missionaries
How often do you interact with the members? Daily!!
Do you get asked to speak very often? NOPE!! THANKFULLY!! Etc...
Elder Taylor Wood
Taylor's House back Home
Monday, February 16, 2009
Transfer - Nothing New
Anyway i got a killer cold wednesday.. I still am hacking p my lungs with the mucus attached.!!
WEll nothing else is happening .. Remember my last babtism?
Other than that, O wait. And its FREEZING (about 68 degrees) but other than that i dont know what else to write.. Thanks for the letters !Wood!!1Elder Taylor Wood
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Feb 9, 2009
Well i got more letters from Girls and x missionaries than i did family. Nikki is probablly my only faithful writer THANKS NIK!!!!
Anyway, sounds like everythings good (accually i dont know about ANYTHING.. so let me change that..) Im Assuming that everything is good.. Thanks for the letters (wait... i need to change that also) Thanks for your support.. Untill next week.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Bus Race
First i have a list of things to write about.. I need a photo of the house and a photo of my hotwheels.. ..
We had a meeting with elder Rasmand from the 70. it was a good little devotional.
Modern transpertation. dont worry mom we dont take the buses (anymore) . Well their objective is to go as fast as possible so they can get more into the bus and earn money. well they like to ¨Battle for passage¨ or race so they can get in front of the other bus.. Needless to say.. a bus hit a truck, then rolled.. killing the bus drivers wife, and the bus helper.. He said .. GO GO Dont let them win the race.. dont worry.. Anyway.. they flipped and 2 died, 6 in the hospital.
anyway.. i was getting into a hichike today and i ripped my pants.. We got off at a members house (not near our destanation) and they had a sewing maching.. just so happens my companion is a tailor.. He fixed them in less than a minute and within 5 minutes we were took our next hichike to our destanation.
anyway we have a babtism this friday.. NAme Antonio. he is 14 years old and the cousin of a babtism from DEC.. that will go good.
anyway.. thanks for the letters.
TELL steve thatcher i wanted the steelers to win but i thought they played NEXT WEEK.. Needless to say he owes me a candy bar and a MT DEW (I accept VISA, or packages)Elder Taylor Wood
Blow Out!
- No questions for you today. Just the usual.
Baptisms? Yes one on friday,. a 14 year old kid who is the cousin of a babtism i had in Dec?
Neat Spiritual experiences? Not really
Funny life experiences? so you know how we NEVER TAKE BUSES¿? maybe not.. today i was asking for my normal hitch hike when a truck stoped. We jumped in as normal just when i hear a RIP!!!! yeah my pants ripped.. about 6 to 10 inches... I thought about
Find out that kids name that knows me..
DONT SLAUGHTER PEOPLE.. (The family played Catan and Kim slaughtered us) you need to be humble like ,me... I´m the most humbile person i knowElder Taylor Wood