Well nothing much happened this week.. We had divisions, and 2 babtisms in our ward. one was ours..Antonio Caño he is 14 years old and pretty golden.. We put a babtism date with his mom

and dad for the 28th but it will probably be the next saturday.. We are still working with his sister (age 17) but she is a SR this year and has alot of work.. Its hard to find them .. Anyway there are changes this next monday so i might be in a new area and i might not. No one knows..
Well i got more letters from Girls and x missionaries than i did family. Nikki is probablly my only faithful writer THANKS NIK!!!!
Anyway, sounds like everythings good (accually i dont know about ANYTHING.. so let me change that..) Im Assuming that everything is good.. Thanks for the letters (wait... i need to change that also) Thanks for your support.. Untill next week.