I thought i would make my letter be more drastic with the CAPS LOCK on changes.. Well Its not that drastic. I stayed in my area with my companion.
Anyway i got a killer cold wednesday.. I still am hacking p my lungs with the mucus attached.!!
WEll nothing else is happening .. Remember my last babtism?

Antonio CaƱo? well we are gona babtise his mom, Dad, And sister The 28th of Feb. Also a 18 year old kid who i worked with about 2 months ago. He never wanted to go to church but now he does.. Ismael Rodregez. his is also set for the 28th. next Christen (not sure the last name right now) He is the cousin of Oscar (babtism in Dec)

(and Antonio) babtism in Feb. he is about 15 years old.. other than that, Im sick, I dont want to do ANYTHING, i hate talking to people in the streets. AND last week we got NO NEW investagators...
Other than that, O wait. And its FREEZING (about 68 degrees) but other than that i dont know what else to write.. Thanks for the letters !Wood!!1Elder Taylor Wood