well i got the package in the hospital.. And mom I always remember to floss!!! ITs so easy with these flossers.
So here is the update on my companion.. He is home enjoying company of his family and friends.. He was sent home today (Tuesday at 7 28) so he is home now.. He always wanted to go home but this gives him the excuse to do it. I think he will be happier.. there are a few pictures on flickr!.. Anyway My new companion is Elder Schone. From St. George. His addres ----- (sorry, open blog) His mom is from Toquerville her maiden name is Beat..... Maybe they know grandpa and grandma. HE also knows Lyle´s family. I think he knows tommi, possible Jordan
We just got out of La Leyenda which was my last area.
So other than that not much is happening. I havent done anythign in like 8 days and i go pretty tired just walking to the store!
Anyway thanks for all the letters.. I guess missionary mall had a letter posted from elder Ireland all about what happened to my companion.. And i guess elder Schones mom came across my blog from the missionary mall website.. And so maybe my blog got hit up by all the missionary´s moms!!!
Thanks guys.. Elder Wood.. If u have questions let me know.
Mom.. I dont know what tyfoid fever does either so i dont knw if it has long term effects
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Elder Martinez from Panama
We started out by having meetings on Tuesday.. That night i got my companion Elder Martinez from Panamá. He is 20 years old.
So For on week he struggled. He called his parents every night wanting to go home.. I kindly explained to him that it took me about 7 months to finally decide to stay.. He is struggling pretty bad. So then we finished the LONGEST week of my life!
Next week (meaning this last Monday th
e 21st.) We didn't have Pday on Monday because we went to so service.. That went well. When we got back to the Maya (another area of elders in my district) we entered the house and rested a little bit.. Not to mention it was raining really bad. SO we just chilled and talked.
Elder Ireland (from Colorado) went upstairs to sleep. So it was just me, Elder Martinez, and elder Lopez (from Salvador) I was spaced out when i heard a loud THUMP on the door.. Un aware of what happened elder Lopez went to the door only to see my companion laying on the floor unresponsive and not breathing. We yelled to elder Ireland who quickly joined us. We rolled over my comp and began wondering what to do.. Elder Ireland began to do CPR with 2 breaths and when he got to the 3rd chest compression my comp woke up gasping for air! At this point he began to shake and his eyes were rolled in the back of his head.. He still wasn't able to respond to us.

The next day we had zone conference.. That night i was with my companion in the hospital (Tuesday night) We stayed there..

Anyway.. Things are fine with me. I am in the hospital with my comp and i don't have anymore time to write!! Thanks for everything.
Laq´ Che´ (means Wood in mayan)
Thanks for the letters
Elder Taylor Wood
Monday, September 14, 2009
Training Again
Dad, Mom, kim
So you said something about puting a fridge in the burrow? Are we talking about the OLD Laundry room downstairs.. Thats great that your makeing me a kitchen in the basement.. Start working on my home theater room in the junk room. But dont worry about all the cool stuff like floor, walls, ETC.. Just a big TV and a couple of love sacs will do!!
So ya I was going to read my emails first but dad has a few points i will be writing to everyone so i might as well make it quick and write everyone. Like i said changes were Today. My companion went to an area named Limón, About 30 minutes away.. I on the other hand and doing something else.! Training! Can you believe that? This will be my 3.5 Time doing that (If you remember i trained with elder cozzens back in the day) Weird huh? It´s wierd to think that i will be training when I really don´t do that good of job.. Yes dad, you trianed alot for your last 6 months.... but thats japanese, Not just any ol´ skipper can teach that language.. But when your in a 3rd world country speaking the second most common language on the planet, anyone can train.. The question is... why me?
So Knowing that, I will be going to the temple tomorrow at 7 as well as meetings all day.. Then we have to go and buy food at the store and get ready for the week (Like a second P´day without doing fun things)
Like i said We are working with walter but he didnt go to church this week. We have been teaching english classes every friday night, ALOT of non members come that arn´t in my area.. But it helps the other elders out! Anyway.. Things are fine here.. I hope my companion keeps me trucking.. Ohh BTW... there are 11 elders comming in.. 1 is an american. President told me he was with me.,. but he might change his mind. Thanks for the letters.. Things are fine here!
Thanks Laq´ Che´
Elder Taylor Wood
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Well Like i said, We went to the temple today. We started off getting up at 4:30 and leaveing at 5. We had the 7 oclock session with President Clark (area president but he is usually with us) Anyway i was DEAD tired.. It took me a good 30 min to wake myself up during the session. But it was good and i learned alot..
Then we went and ate at quiznos.. (Yeah that was like 10 dollars)
No progressing investagators.. this kind named walter (17 years old) has been to church 3 times.... but we can only talk to him on the weekends.. we will see if he pogresses or not!
There are changes on monday... i have no idea what will happen!!! But we will see...
OOther than that not much is happening.... Thanks for the letters.. i will try to continue to stay forcued.. (its been hard lately)) Anyway... thanks for everything
Laq´ Che´
Elder Taylor Wood
Then we went and ate at quiznos.. (Yeah that was like 10 dollars)
No progressing investagators.. this kind named walter (17 years old) has been to church 3 times.... but we can only talk to him on the weekends.. we will see if he pogresses or not!
There are changes on monday... i have no idea what will happen!!! But we will see...
OOther than that not much is happening.... Thanks for the letters.. i will try to continue to stay forcued.. (its been hard lately)) Anyway... thanks for everything
Laq´ Che´
Elder Taylor Wood
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sep 8 09

Hmm Football huh.. I just checked out that the super bowl is going to be on Feb 7th.... Thats 6 days after i get home.. Call steve thatcher, make arrangements for some digorno pizza game party at his house. He owes me!
So ya the cougers look good.. the Utes got a lousy first game though.. utah state? thats like putting a snowball under a tire!
Not to many investigators anymore.. . Or only investigater doesnt want to complete with her commitments. i wrote her a note saying that she needs to complete with her commitments. I kindly told her that we were here so she could find christ through the gospel ETC... I think she took it a little harshly though, but i saw her in the back of a truck and she smiled and waved.. (at least she doesnt hate us)
But other than that not much going on.. Have fun in the burrow!!
Elder Taylor Wood
Hmm Football huh.. I just checked out that the super bowl is going to be on Feb 7th.... Thats 6 days after i get home.. Call steve thatcher, make arrangements for some digorno pizza game party at his house. He owes me!
So ya the cougers look good.. the Utes got a lousy first game though.. utah state? thats like putting a snowball under a tire!
Not to many investigators anymore.. . Or only investigater doesnt want to complete with her commitments. i wrote her a note saying that she needs to complete with her commitments. I kindly told her that we were here so she could find christ through the gospel ETC... I think she took it a little harshly though, but i saw her in the back of a truck and she smiled and waved.. (at least she doesnt hate us)
But other than that not much going on.. Have fun in the burrow!!
Elder Taylor Wood
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