Well my subject line is a little bit of an understatement!! its been a week and a half!
We started out by having meetings on T
uesday.. That night i got my companion Elder Martinez from
Panamá. He is 20 years old.
So For on week he struggled. He called his parents
every night wanting to go home.. I kindly explained to him that it took me about 7 months to
finally decide to stay.. He is
struggling pretty bad. So then we finished the LONGEST week of my life!
Next week (meaning this last
Monday th
e 21st.) We
didn't have
Pday on
Monday because we went to so service.. That went well. When we got back to the Maya (another area of elders in my district) we entered the house and rested a little bit.. Not to
mention it was raining really bad. SO we just chilled and talked.
Ireland (from
Colorado) went upstairs to sleep. So it was just me, Elder
Martinez, and elder
Lopez (from
Salvador) I was spaced out when i heard a loud THUMP on the door..
Un aware of what happened elder
Lopez went to the door only to see my companion laying on the floor unresponsive and not breathing. We yelled to elder Ireland who quickly joined us. We rolled over my comp and began wondering what to do.. Elder Ireland began to do CPR with 2 breaths and when he got to the 3rd chest compression my comp woke up gasping for air! At this point he began to shake and his eyes were rolled in the back of his head.. He still
wasn't able to respond to us.

We called an ambulance and we went to the
hospital. I told them we had to go to a
certain hospital and that we
couldn't go to any other. Next thing we know we arrived to some random Crack house. (I say crack house because it was a public hospital and There were people every where.. It looked more like a shelter house) So i kindly explained that we
couldn't be here and had to be in another hospital..
They didn't listen..

I went out side to grab a taxi so we could get to the hospital with my STILL
unconscious companion. The taxi driver said he knew where he was going... BUT HE LIED.. He called his dad to come along for the ride. NEEDLESS TO SAY we got lost, and my
patience had been lost.. (More details but i
don't have time) After i paid him they took my companion in for testing.. That night we went back to the Maya with elder Lopez, Ireland and myself because my comp was intensive care and i
couldn't be with him.
The next day we had zone
conference.. That night i was with my companion in the hospital (Tuesday night) We stayed there..

So here is what happened.. My comp had
typhoid fever.. and has carried it for at least 1 month.. meaning He brought it to the mission. The
typhoid affected his heart and his heart got blocked. making him pass out/faint. Anyway yesterday and today they did a cat scan to his head to find out more details. No results
until later!! Even the Head of the church doctors came to see him (well i
don't know if they came to see him or not or if he was just in the area..) But this is the prophets doctor. Anyway.. doctors as
well as president say it is better if he goes home.. And he is scared that he will have this happen again and die in the mission.. He talked to president and wants to go home.. Anyway.. I Think he will be going home and that my time with him is limited..
Anyway.. Things are fine with me. I am in the hospital with my comp and i
don't have anymore time to write!! Thanks for everything.
Laq´ Che´ (means Wood in
Thanks for the letters
Elder Taylor Wood