Dad, Mom, kim
So you said something about puting a fridge in the burrow? Are we talking about the OLD Laundry room downstairs.. Thats great that your makeing me a kitchen in the basement.. Start working on my home theater room in the junk room. But dont worry about all the cool stuff like floor, walls, ETC.. Just a big TV and a couple of love sacs will do!!
So ya I was going to read my emails first but dad has a few points i will be writing to everyone so i might as well make it quick and write everyone. Like i said changes were Today. My companion went to an area named Limón, About 30 minutes away.. I on the other hand and doing something else.! Training! Can you believe that? This will be my 3.5 Time doing that (If you remember i trained with elder cozzens back in the day) Weird huh? It´s wierd to think that i will be training when I really don´t do that good of job.. Yes dad, you trianed alot for your last 6 months.... but thats japanese, Not just any ol´ skipper can teach that language.. But when your in a 3rd world country speaking the second most common language on the planet, anyone can train.. The question is... why me?
So Knowing that, I will be going to the temple tomorrow at 7 as well as meetings all day.. Then we have to go and buy food at the store and get ready for the week (Like a second P´day without doing fun things)
Like i said We are working with walter but he didnt go to church this week. We have been teaching english classes every friday night, ALOT of non members come that arn´t in my area.. But it helps the other elders out! Anyway.. Things are fine here.. I hope my companion keeps me trucking.. Ohh BTW... there are 11 elders comming in.. 1 is an american. President told me he was with me.,. but he might change his mind. Thanks for the letters.. Things are fine here!
Thanks Laq´ Che´
Elder Taylor Wood