Any bad effects from drinking the water the one day you went hiking? Nope Karr did fill a little fishy though
Have they reorganized the branch/ward/stake that the President died? Not really.. he was district counsler.. They might do that when pres torres comes up again
Any good contacts this week? Ya. But they need to get married before babtism.
Nope i dropped him for a week or so It appears you love your camera. I love the sunburn picture. Dad paniced
for a split second. LOVE IT"!!!

WEll this week was the same ol... except we had changes today.. NO ONE in my district had a change.. So i will be with Karr for another 6 weeks.
As for the work.. I feel like i am running around in circles.. No promising investigators, No baptisms, no NOTHING.. Kinda depressing. but my mind just WHIRLS around.
Sounds like Nikki is having it rough.. NOthing that american chocolate cant fix though.
I took some pictures so you might put a few in the county fair.. on flickr Also did mike or blaine get my DVD of photos?? i sent it with the BOMANS.
Well im not sure what else to say.. Kinda hot here but its starting to rain a little..
Well.. Anyway, nothing else is new.. Love ya all. HAppy b day josh.. Fathers day to dad! .
Love ya all
Elder Taylor Wood