Well sorry Mr. I get to go to Flordia..... hehe j-k I just got back form Yakxha. (YAK SHAW) seeing yet more old mayan pyramida. pretty rough duty but someone had to do it.¨ Things are fine here... Things are getting a little slow and i find myself getting side tracted more and more. We still have the same investagators but One is progressing a little more.. Named Alex age 16.. He said he wasnt going to get babtized but i am sure he will. We also had 2 new people in church this week.. One i have been working with for months now.. and the other...... who knows where she came from

she just showed up. Elder Karr has really helped me with my spanish.. no one ever helped me with mine untill him. No boric acid but the battle continues!! Is this cacroach killing powder or an old family secret? Sister torres did know about it... Anyway sounds like fun... I just hiked all day in the heat with a VERY Poorly planned P.day.. We had talked about going but hadnt decided untill about 7.30 today.. when i got a call saying LETS DO IT.. NEVER SAY DIE RIGHT.. This will make you proud!! So we start of getting a ride to the bus station where we find a bus and wait for a

few minutes.. while we started heading out of town we noticed that their was a riot and they blocked the road.. At this point i was ready to turn back.. But Elder King from Idaho Wasnt as faithless.. We took a 1 hour detour to drive about 10 minutes normally.. plus the next 1 hour to the ruins. We get dropped off at the entrance and it says YAKXHA 12 Kms. Whats that like 7 miles . We got this easy we say.. and if not we were sure someone would pass by. We walked a good 45 minutes in 100 degree heat, and had only walked a good 4 KMs... All i had was 1 water bottles and the others

NOTHIng. We stop by some random guys house explain who we are and we offer 20 quetzales (about 80 cents each person) to take us to the ruins. he was like how bout 20... EACH.. i explained that we couldnt do that and we where willing to pay 10.. Needless to say i spent a good buck twenty for a trip! it was worth it.. So we arrive at this gate and see all the ruins but they say DONT WORRY.. there will be a bus here at 3. after almost harasing them a bus finally came.. we payed another 10 quetz and waited at the street for another bus to pick us up. WEll.. Considering us not having WATER, or FOOD, we

kinda had to drink some water.. NON pure.. but it was filtered if that counts.. I will let ya know if i get sick or not.. All in all we spent 40 quetz to see the ruins and a good 70 quetz in travel.. We topped it off with Pizza hut. which was another 50 quetz-- All in al i spent about 160 quetz or 20 dollars. WHAT A TIREING DAY!!
Other than that things are going ok. We have a babtism on the 20th but he might not follow through.. he said he would but he also said he would come to church.. All is goodl. Tay