Alot of people were talking about it this week but i didnt feel it..
Next.. our district president or counsler died on sunday during sacrament meeting. he was with his family when he had a heart attack. Members with a car rushed him to the hospital but died while in rout.. We had his funeral service today.. President Torres Flew up from guatemala. HE wasnt from my ward so i didnt even know him, or see anything happen.
Elder and sister Boman will be going home next week.. I will try to send a Dvd.. with my latest pictures with them.. I wrote mikes address and blaines.. they live in logan.

So yesterday i saw two litle guecos doing the dirty dirty in my house.. I grabbed the broom chased the slowest one..

well all is well here. I didnt feel the tremor or 7.1...
I found a fast back mustang and took some sweet pictures..
Well all is well here.. Salados a colton and tell him happy birthday.!
Thats all.. Elder Wood thanks for the letters!