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Pres. Torres
March 1, 2008 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that the new president of the Guatemala, Guatemala City North Mission will be David Jaime Torres - Rodriguez, 55, Millrace (Spanish) Branch, Taylorsville Utah Stake; former bishop and counselor, branch president, high councilor, ward Young Men president, Elders quorum president and missionary in the Central America Mission. Educator and member of the Board of Directors of the Utah Education Association. Born in Washington D.C., to Elias Rivera and Luz Rodriguez Torres. Married Maria Luisa Quesada, five children.
A stake Relief Society president, Sister Torres is a former stake Primary president, ward and branch Relief Society president, Cub Scout leader and missionary in the Central America Mission. Born in El Paso, Texas, to Jesus Raul and Julia Parada Quesada.
(information at the Torres' taken from LDS Church News. Jan 26, 2008)