This week was crazy. Starting with last monday. Mom i think you should research the transportation of guatamala. to sum it up. CRAM EVERYONE IN, well we only have a bus that goes our way every hour. So basically me and my comp had our TOES on the step of the bus, hanging out holding onto bars outside. Well try that for 30 min and it gets pretty exausting. Needless to say my comp fell of, got ran over, shattered his middle 3 toes, and had an open fracture on two of them. blood was coming out of his shoe. i spent 3 days in the hospital and they pinned two of the toes and they will be alright. as for the second toe (thats the pointer finger on the RIGHT toe) anyway it didnt have circulation and they did or will cut it off. I dont really know! I go back to the hospital today. i think they will only cut off half of it though.
the rest of the week we ran around like little chickens. to our area, and 30 min away to ours. needless to say, im beat and have no money.
and today. well the people went on strike because they raised the price of the busses, from 2Q to 3Q 7.6 = 1 dollar. anyway they had the roads blocked off with whatever they could find. and the people wouldnt let us pass. and if we did pass they would hate missionaries forever. well the news castors finally came and we bailed. we hiked about 2.5 hours around the mountian, and another 2 to the capital.
As for my new area, i cant take it. to many hills. it doesnt matter if i spend 25 hours a day doing ankle rehab if im walking on roads made of rocks the size of basketballs. I rolled my other ankle today but luckly it wasnt the bad one, im a huge guy and its hard on my knees.
anyway, that about sums up the week.
I dont know what to do about the phone call.
Elder Taylor Wood