Maybe you could have had more parties, made me get out more. but things just happen. All you can do is DONT look back, because when you do you have regrets, and all they do is hold u back.
Maybe you did pray something to happen. I prayed to get shot in Paraiso and not die, to get poisoned, to have my health decline so i can return. have my body have problems with the food . nothing happened.
Two days ago a guy came really fast around a corner in a nice truck and tried to hit us. when he missed us, swirved and he slammed on the brakes (we thought it was a punk kid) and waited for us (but at that point we just thought he was out of control) well he started screaming in English and Spanish anything that is imaginable. well at that point i thought my pray was going to be answered. but he drove off, and i thought he was coming around for another try. Things just happen right? even in a good town...
I'm sorry that its so hard on you. but its not you thats doing anything, its me. and i don't want to continue. i don't care if i come home, go to Arizona, or any other place, just not here.
I will talk with the president, how I'm feeling ETC, as u said its between him and I.
as for the work people don't go to church. we have had 5 baptism dates just sitting around because they cant or wont go to church.
Hows the gas prices? Milk prices? anything else that has changed since i left? i think thats all i got for now.