Another week is gone. Yesterday i had a funny experiance. we have mangos like crazy. if you want one all you have to do is throw a bad mango at the tree and 5 good ones fall down.

I had the misfortunine of almost hitting a wasp nest. well a savage beast landed on me and stabbed my right about my eyebrow. today its pretty swollen.
Mom did you call missionarry mall_ they probably want pictures. have at them they are on the website
Anyway we had a babtism this week. Juan Carlos Age 11. That went well.
I saw the hugest cow the other day.

We had our zone confrence this week as well.
I have a few pictures on blaines website. mostly just the best ones right off the bat.
my link to moms blog doesnt work.

Thats about it. I bought a hammik. And it rained 8 hours yesterday. i also bought somethign called a corte for 300 Quetz *7.6 quetz is 1 dollar* its 8 meters long and its basically hand woven fabric.
Wow i have nothing else i guess.